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Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Seems to be fixed
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I got word of this morning, the ranks are still correct, just now they are with a 0 handicap.

Does this mean new physics? new benchmark/handicap time?

Dare i say it ...... patch

Or Vicc falling asleep at PC ?
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Forgot about this ... again :doh:

*note to self "I should subscribe to this thread"
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Sounds like a plan, hope you can get things sorted.
I look forward to news on details forthcming.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
What he said ^

But having the skill level of server force certain things has always been somthing LFS has needed imo.

newbie > all aids allowed mouse kyb etc reset allowed.any view
....(level of aids and device change as server skill level is changed)
Pro > wheel 3 pedals manual clutch hshift or paddle depending on vehicle. no reset. forced cockpit.

I think it would work just fine.

So to the original question. Id say yes if the option/possiblity of having a test to help introduce a manual clutch is part of training then i say its worth doing.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
And everyone's a comedian right ?

Anyway, i hear you Ian, but for what reason other then nostalga would you want things to be perfectly backwards compable, myself the main hope i would have this is for replays, memories of times gone by etc. (handy but nothing multiple installs cant handle)

Things are always evolving and there are not many games out there that are not broken by updates. Perfection is unatainable, but chasing that goal isnt. LFS has been for me one of very few games to hold my attention and capture my imagination and spirit. This is somthing so glaringly obvious with the opinions weighing in on each round "who is right is wrong" thats how sometimes these discussions end.

I am that sad individual that likes to hope, that people have the rational and capabilty to see what the bigger picture is, and sometimes sense prevails, but yes this place can be quite a comedy of judgment and opinion, but also a place to make sense of LFS. People want things done yesterday, we want control, we analyse everything, scruitinising every aspect of each others opinion. Its alot easier to critise everyones fault in logic or belief or capability, then it is to usher kindness, direction, help or assistance.

back on topic (sorry)
I really hate to end a post on a cliche

"good things come to those that wait"
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Racer Y :I used to could care less for AI development too. But now I think a halfway smart AI could be a good thing.

Indeed it could, and i dont think its benefiting to just a certain grade or catagory or player, as suggested , if the AI has progressed to a level where it can challange WR times almost and still have the element of "inteligence" to simulate basic character, then OMG
I could even live without the internet, i just hope scawen doesnt make it too good or the best races could end up being offline and OMG the end of LFS ........

Just a possibility, but i am actually looking forward to another aspect that i have rarely used in S2 due to the lack of developement in that area. I can only really see this as a very positive move for LFS, one things for sure it gives* the game alot more scope.
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : *spelling (bad i knoes)
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :
p.s Gener_AL (UK) what would it achieve me racing you? I haven't said I am better in any way, I have nothing to prove. If you want to find me online fine, but what I am saying isn't about being the FASTEST, or THE BEST....??? something I have repeated SO MANY TIMES....

Reasons i want to have a race/test/whatever with you intrepid is help back up the claims that you made in another post the other day. Not to see who is faster better etc. But to show in a replay what close fast ( & perhaps a some BTCC style) racing means.

Thought id just clear that up
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
its not a slanging match far from it, if i could afford a kart (hell i struggle to even put food on the table here btw) i'd love to take you up on this challenge , but thats not the point.

Point is you want Hard fast close racing , this is somthing that can only be achieved usually if >

A> drivers can handle themselves and car
B> have a good knowledge of track
C> Know the limits of others

Now how would a RL racer server make this happen LFS isnt REAL

I really do like the idea , but its an impossible thing, heart is in the right place for sure , but your reasoning makes it fall flat on its face.
Sorry but thats how it seems to me. I dont have a kart or a car or any form of motor transport. So i could be very wrong about the desire for such a server, but there are plenty of good servers and racers. If you really want somthing , dont talk about it just do it.

Thats where dreams change to reality , problem is most people just talk about their dreams and dont follow them through.
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : spelling etc
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
I really cannot see the point in this Idea, only thing that makes sense is that you might have somthing in commmon with people your racing against, it wont make the racing any better or any more "professional". And Alan i hope you dont mind me using your name, but your faithful lap dog (now on my ignore list along with w4h) just makes what ever reasonable point you achieve tarnished with idiocracy.
Saying you can predict such things as who may post (quite simple reasoning if you been around the forums for a while) only serves to fuel the negativity, playing good cop, bad cop also doesnt help you win any brownie points either.
I know what your saying, and you should of kept your opinions and logic out of the question in original post.
The only way that you will ever get this "hard racing" is from experience, and by building up a good buddy list. does it make any difference what so ever if the are RL racer or even a sim racer without even a normal driving lisence (like myself) ?

Ask yourself that ^

lol... well I didn't say I would have a ban on sim races... I for sure would include any ones i deemed worthy... how egotistical does that sound????? :) i wish the was a big head smiley

You mean racers ? The big head smily you dont need, sometimes words are enough to draw a picture.
Also please make up your mind ! its either a leugue for skilled LFS'ers or for RL racers who also have S2.
Let me now go back to the question begining this nonsense to end this rather confused suggestion.

Are there any Severs or leagues specifically for Real life racers?
Do we need any more servers in LFS ?
Again the awnser is again NO
Closest thing ive seen to a pro server is bladerunners "Hardcore server"

And im still waiting for this challenge pm or email when your ready
tbh i think your all talk and 0 show. And not much kop at that either.
Reminds me of an a age old saying , im not sure i have it correctly commited to memory, i'll phrase it anyway.

"Dog that know, seldom bark up the wrong tree"
You my canine friend just pissed on the tree.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Superb stuff FEL
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from mr_x :Technically not true.

I like LFS for its physics. But I enjoy playing RACE and RACE07 alot more than I enjoy playing LFS. The real cars/tracks have something to do with it, plus it feels good to me too after FFB tweaking to my liking. And well, LFS is boring me at the moment

Dont take this wrong way Chris (And other members of dSRC) This game (LFS) like many other things is what you make it. Like you say you made Race07 feel the way you like it.

Belief and hope, trust all are ingrediants to an illusion (or a percieved reality) if you dont believe you wont trust and if hope fails ..... well..
A wise man once told me "hope is the thing that dies last."
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from SmokeyAU :intrepid u r an idiot mate

u keep talking bout these passes and giving us videos made by superstars of motorsport but what your forgetting is these incidents are one pass in the 1 million or so passes a driver makes in his career

there not all suicidal ones

so its time for u to get off the gas once and while and settle down into postion to make a clean pass

Nice first post, intrepid id like to have a race with you. and post the results here along with the replay. Lets put theory into practise shall we ?
Give me a time/day/combination maybe i could help prove your point here. I know what your saying, you might have the balls & knowledge to say all this but have you got the balls to race for your reputation. I myself have nothing to lose, appart from a race ?

To the original poster in this thread> this IS SPARTA ....

Oh hang on , no its not ......
It's LFS .... that simulator tsk .. silly me.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Does LFS parse the contents of skins/ skins_x/ etc to a textfile ? (looked and can't see anything) maybe its this part of the checking of directories thats causing this lag, it seems possible that the longer/older the installed version has a large amount of skins to check against as a racer leaves the pit, causing this lag ?

slightly off topic:
Been thinking about the skin system, would be nice to have the option to use manual commands to download them
/skins alll (dload all skins)
/skins <username;username> (dload user skin, more then one use ; to seperate names)
/skins server (check list of skins loaded on server/users)

or maybe a button next to username in "n" menu, other ideas that spring to mind , maybe have LFSW buddies option, if user on server is on that list download the appropiate skin?
Last edited by Gener_AL (UK), . Reason : stuff
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
well Ive now got 3 installations , Just been racing around on the CTRA Server 2, with Fresh Install of LFS (VerX) which then prompted to auto install X10 so i did, before joinng any server i switched off Auto downloading skins , and hey presto ... no stuttering.

So its seems it is skin related, will test with this install a bit more
Find out if its a file size issue, does LFS convert to jpg > DDS as soon as a player connects ? or if LFS.exe restarted ?

But first some coffee
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Quote from spavatch :Sorry it took me so long guys. But it's better late than ever, right?

Here's a screen you've requested. As you can clearly see LFS.exe is using over 90 percent of CPU's processing power and runs extremely sluggish. Any idea what's wrong?

Ugh ...

Dunno where to start

First get rid of all the XP theme GUI, 2nd close all proccess and applications not needed. Get rid of desktop background, The less memory usgae and CPU usage before running LFS is critical on anything around the 1ghz mark.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Maybe its somthing to do with skins ... a bit of a wild guess, its either that or the change in max player on servers ... i really cant remember what stage this "bug" became more pronounced. Somewhere from late V patch - current version.

Is Any Data written to HD when someone leaves pits ?
I should check CPU IO meter really as well , there is definately somthing wierd happening. Perhaps i might spend this day investigating

It is the most annoying bug in LFS imo.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed

Makes me want to create my own H25
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
gateway = IP adress of router
DNS = IP adress of router (if Router is set to handle DNS)

Or you can use OpenDNS

Setting up static IP is quite simple

As long as the range is in same Cat as Router and allowed in the DHCP pool it should be fine.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
i had this problem earlier in the week,
was gonna post a thread, but clearing internet temp files/cookies in IE7 fixed it.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
yeah damn that night thing, someone should make another sun or somthing.

Seriously though if your not into the public racing, just look for a team to join or if thats not your cup of tea either , i reccomend trying dSRC servers (dSRC BattleGrounds) wed & fridays are a good bet or pehaps dMr (deadmenracing) both offer clean and usally there are admin around.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
Hope it stays that way

/me sends billing for tech support
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
It is a shame LFS doesn't have a compatability mode for such things as replays, i know multiple installs will solve but thats not a solution.

Maybe it can be done? maybe it cant, or maybe it would take to long to incoperate? who knows

But that would be a superb way of seeing LFS through the ages, without the tedium of the workaround.
Gener_AL (UK)
S3 licensed
did the replacement PSU help ?